Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

It’s just practice. I doubt Winston didn’t know the Saints playbook. I think he was impulsive with his decision making when the bullets were flying. Don’t get me wrong, i think Carr had the same issue to an extent.

I remember when someone interviewed Derek’s brother on NFL Network before he was signed by the Saints. He said that Derek loved the idea that Pete lets’s the QB call the plays when waranted. I think JW and DC were both humbled by that experience. They have OC’s for a reason and they are no Drew Brees when it comes to checking to play based on what he sees. Drew Brees probably had late night studies of game film. DC and JW seemed to have the autonomy to basically call their own plays as they see fit. There was no standard operating procedure.

I think it was a glitch in PC’s system that eventually was corrected but too late. Bottom line is PC’s offensive gameplan was built for the next Drew Brees. DC is not Drew Brees but he is damn good QB and much better than JW when under pressure. I think JW would be great with one of the best offensive lines ever

The best QB’s are good decision makers when under stress. You have some Qb’s that get by on talent (Cam Newton). I think JW will thrive in a system that is structured and tailored for him. Saints offense was never that, so i wish him well in Cleveland.

I think JW and Carr are very similar in their approach of how they want an air raid type of offense. The opposing defenses were playing chess, while we were playing checkers IMO. The difference is Carr i think is just better at decision making under pressure.

Hopefully this new philosophy or system that Kubiak runs either limits the QB’s ability to check out of plays or enhances their ability to make a good decision.
Yeah, it's practice but what's noticed is how he is grasping and taking a command of brand new offense with brand new terminology on an entirely different team. And that decision making stuff really don't fly when you break down the layers of the offense. Most of his interceptions with Tampa came from throwing downfield, in tight windows because he played in an offense that required him to throw further than most in tighter windows than most. People thought 2019 cemented that notion, but then that pesky tape.

There are also some question marks around what you stated:
-Pete Carmichael's offense isn't built for the next Drew Brees, just like CSP's wasn't in 2021. Case in point; our motion usage and play-action was higher the year after Drew retired than it was the next 2 seasons.
-The narrative around Jameis and pressure needs to die. From 2016-2018 and 2021, he was rated and graded as one of the best QBs under pressure. Gotta look at the A lot of people won't admit that 2019 is all they really know about Winston. Below is from 2018 going into the 2019 season.


-Neither Carr nor Winston has operated in an Air Raid offense. Carr has run a WCO offense up until McDaniels. Winston ran Jimbo Fisher's version of the Erhardt-Perkins system (Multiple offense), a 4-vert based Coryell, and Bruce Arians "No Risk It, No Biscuit" Coryell. Why would they want to operate in an offense they've never played in?
-And I see nothing wrong with Kubiak limiting the offense. We have a 2-time MVP and current Super Bowl winner that's probably running the most QB friendly scheme in the The QBs people look at currently as the best ain't really doing as much as you think they

Just a note, Either Underhill or someone else mentioned that Armstead was willing to take less money if we could get Watson.

We were in QB purgatory at the time. There were rumors we tried to hire other coordinators but we kind of had to settle on Pete, likely because the job was unattractive to due to uncertainty at QB.

Kubiak himself said working with Carr was one of reasons he was excited to take job.

As I’ve been saying for a while DA wasn’t put in a great situation to start. Salary cap was meh, QB situation meh, he was asked to come immediately behind the most successful coach in Saints history, draft capital was meh, roster depth meh…and yet he took the job.

He was then asked to “hold” things in place for continuity sake. 48 laws of power suggest one of the worst things you can do, when having to replace someone popular, is follow in their path. Unfortunately for the 1st two years he was trying to keep together a culture and philosophy that predated him with band aids and duct tape.

Now, this isn’t to absolve him of the situation. He made bad decisions, and yet each year he’s made better ones. He’s showing growth as a HC, perhaps not as fast as some would like, but there’s growth.
I wonder how that paycut would have worked out for Armstead when reality hit that Watson was hyped up on a season where he all about the empty calories and how he would be viewed, since Watson had the 4th highest sack rate in the NFL in 2020 while holding the ball the longest. lol

Glad the homie found his way to Miami...

Yep. It's starting to sound like the amount of people who claimed they were at Woodstock or Marched with Dr. King,, everybody claims to have known that keeping Carmicheal was a bad idea. I'll admit it. I thought it was a good idea for continuity. It turned out to be wrong but can't blame DA for that.
I can't speak for everybody but a couple of us were talking about how bad playcalling was since the first week of 2022. Everybody wanted to blame the QB until they didn't...

I posted this Week 4 of 2022..
At this point, it should be very clear that coaching is a very legitimate issue and quite possibly the main issue, as my man @BayouSAINTJoe been calling out since jump street.

Last season, first 4 games we averaged at least 3 offensive TDs per game. This season, we are struggling to make it down the field, no matter who is under center. No matter what "team" you are on, those goggles might need to be taken off and we need to direct blame where it should be placed.