Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

How long did Sean Payton stick w/ Gary Gibbs after the 06 season? 2 years, 07 and 08.

How long did DA stick with Pete? 2 years.

That’s standard. Pete received a mulligan after working with questionable QB talent year 1. Year 2 he had Carr and couldn’t produce, so they moved on. The timeline is very appropriate considering the circumstances. Y’all are just committed to finding reasons that DA is a terrible decision maker when there’s proof that the coach he’s being compared to made exactly the same decisions in the same scenarios along the same timelines.
And SP was to blame for keeping certain goons on his coaching staff too long as well……I’m on record for blasting SP a million times over for wasting Drew Brees’ prime with terrible defenses. Blame for coaches is NOT exclusive to just 🦌. The HC should assume all potential blame for coaching decisions plain and simple, hence why they are called the HEAD COACH. Sean McDermott and Mike Tomlin made tough/harsh decisions, to change the course of their seasons. Those two were going to assume blame, if those decisions did not work out. So, why does 🦌 not get blame when our offense stalled for way longer than those two teams?

Btw, Ken Dorsey didn’t even last two full seasons and he had a young talented franchise QB. So it doesn’t matter if you have a good QB or not. The job of an OC is to get your offense to produce with what you have. Example: Brian Callahan took a Jake Browning led offense (when Burrow went down) to a 4-3 record to finish the season. So let’s not give mulligans to anyone when they have a job to do. PC knew this offense like the back of his hand. So did a lot of our players. Somehow, we didn’t manage to get better. Maybe just maybe, Sneaky Pete should’ve got the axe sooner, but I get it………the axe was for chopping wood purposes