Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

Firing PC mid-season I doubt would have any effect on us making the playoffs. And give it to who Curry? a guy that never called plays in a reg season game? Or maybe Marrone, the guy who almost singlehandedly destroyed our OL? . The Bills firing Dorsey had little to do with them turning it around, it was more Allen stopped stinking up the joint
So if you have deflated players sulking in post game interviews, having no answers bc they are trying to be dismissive in regards to poor execution, you’re telling me that even a small chance couldn’t possibly uplift them? If they are happy now that there is a new OC, imagine what they would’ve felt like in that moment (or moments) when a change was needed. No one knows if a change would’ve changed our course, but even if a change didn’t work, then we would’ve still been where we finished last year, with no playoff berth.
Oh and about your tidbit of Curry. Every first time OC has never called plays at the NFL level. So what does that even mean by he has never called plays? You think all OCs just magically wake up one morning with experience at calling plays? Plus, if 🦌 never had anyone behind PC who he trusted stepping into that role, if things went South, which they did, then that is an indictment on the coaching of 🦌 as well. You have to have people prepared to assume the wheels of the operations.
Last but not least, maybe Dorsey was the problem. I know, it’s completely ironic how the Bills won 6 of their last 7 games AFTER Dorsey was fired. But yeah, that was all Josh Allen. He doesn’t need an offensive system, he just needs to stop stinking it up. Nothing to see there