Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

Stop drinking pool water.
Before this you quoted with no actual quote. I may not be the only one drinking pool water
This is so redundant.

WHO were they going to fire Pete for and hire? There’s absolutely 0 data that suggest firing Pete would have turned around the season

There is ACTUAL data that in the last 5 weeks of the season Derek Carr was ranked between 1st and 3rd in several categories. TD to INT ratio, passer ratings and the Red zone pct Under none other than the man you wanted him to fire.

Keeping him was absolutely the RIGHT choice. Get over it

No matter how you try to spin your argument it’s based on your emotion and feeling vs fact because the fact is the offense was by and large successful after the bye week.

Had it not been you’d 100% be correct in saying he should have fired him but literally nothing supports your logic other than the other people who share your flawed logic.

This argument has spanned 3 different threads and it’s tiresome and wrong
Playing garbage opponents to finish the season and saying that 🦌/PC turned it around, is putting lipstick on a pig. Like I said, no one knows if an OC change would’ve made a difference, but what we DO know, is (in hindsight) we still didn’t make the playoffs, even beating the Panthers, Giants, a banged up led Baker Bucs team, and Falcons with a lame duck coach. In fact, our most exciting and interesting play (of the entire season) came on a play that was not called by PC, nor was the snap taken by DC4🤣🤣🤣 (the play that netted the Falcons an apology). 28 straight weeks of inept offense, reporters constantly asking about the job status of PC, players with the life sucked out of them, coaches with zero answers to the problems, etc can all be proven bud, so no, I’m not wrong. 4 measly weeks of beating up on inferior opponents does not, in any way, overshadow what transpired over the course of 2 seasons. Plus, if what you say is correct, then why is PC not here anymore to “build” on how we finished? Did he not figure it out like you say he did? So, putting the tea leaves together (from the span of 3 threads😉), 🦌 couldn’t fire PC bc he had no backup plan, in case he had to fire PC at any point of the season. So, yes he should shoulder the blame for many reasons regarding our OC situation and ineptitude of the offense.

Btw, we dropped our first two games after the bye week like the Falcons dropped/repelled Ludacris from the ceiling of their Mercedes Dome. The two playoff teams we played wrecked us prison style. So no, we never figured it out. You are only as good as your toughest tests and we completely failed those. Your argument would be more correct, had we won at least one of those games, but we can’t now can we?