Cowherd Thinks Bengals Should Draft Burrows Replacement Soon.

Lions got better by letting Stafford go. And I’m old enough to remember Drew Bledsoe to Tom Brady seemed to work for Patriots. There are a couple of others.
They didn’t necessarily draft Brady to be Drew’s replacement and I’m willing to say at the time didn’t necessarily think he’d be his future replacement. They just took a flyer in the 6th on a QB and probably weren’t even 100% sure he’d make the roster after a year, at the time of course.

Also the Lions are another team that struck gold. They traded Stafford more bc they knew they couldn’t win, traded him at 32 years old with the chance to let Goff start for a year or two and go draft their future QB or find their future QB. Just so happens Goff turned it around and they got lucky.

I mean I get your point just chiming in lol