Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

We may need to start having an honest conversation about why we lost most of our games in 2012. It wasn't because of the defense...
-Washington: Offense
-Panthers: Offense
-Broncos: Offense
-49ers: Offense
-Falcons: Offense
-Giants: Offense

6 of our 9 losses could easily be put on our offense crapping the bed but we want to hold on to Pete doing a great job that season?

Our QB issue was tied to 3 of the 4 things below that were our real issues in 2022-2023.
-Run game

The problem is, there are a lot of people that didn't look at anything outside of the quarterback for the issues we were facing before Carr. There were post and media articles about how Pete can now open up the playbook and how O-line issues were tied to Winston and Dalton not being able to call protections or as we heard all off-season "pre-snap." QB was only a "fairly big issue" for those that wanted to make it so. Those other 4 bullet points eclipsed anything related to the QB position.

On another note, I wonder how my boy is doing in Cleveland?


From March:

Their training camp will be interesting...
JW would fit in an 8 old lady bridge game. He gets people for sure. If Watson slumps at all Winston will get his shot. Hopefully he’s in an anti Hero-ball offense.