
I'm going to say it, NO!

That video laid it on way too thick, and it didn't show us thermobaric explosions. There is minimum size for thermobaric devices to function in a normal sized environment. The fuel has to envelop a minimum volume of air to create an explosive concentration before it is ignited to cause an explosion, which then in turn produces a hard vacuum as it dispurses.

It's not something which can be scaled down such that it could be delivered by a drone to normal sized targets. It requires miniature targets if one minaturerises those fuel air devices.

One probably could make a miniature thermobaric device which a drone could carry which would function inside a one hole out houses. The vacumb after effect would suck up the old sheet up out of that hole coating the poor guys corpses with that as well as pulverizing them to a crisp. A brown fountain.

Historically the only terror weapons which get forbidden in a way which actually curtails their use are for weapons which are hard to control, endanger friendly troops as much as they endanger the enemy. I.e. poison gas, and bio weapons. So this is a waste of time focusing on this issue anyway, their use will continue if and when they need to blow up something really big.

Where they drop the bomb from an air cargo plane because normal bombers are not big enough. The bomb might in essence be a very large propane tank built with dispersal and delay ignition charges to time the explosion.

Other things can be used for fuel, but no matter what they work on the principle of dispersing a fuel through a volume of air. The larger the air volumb the larger the weapon has to be to envelope it and make a good crowd pleasing explosion with big fireball which will last for a short while it sucks away and collapses most of the air.