My All Time NFL Franchise Rankings

Because it’s the offseason and it’s a little over two months till preseason.

In no particular order, just in groups.

Like it or not, these are the first franchises that pop up when people think of the NFL.

The Cornerstone Franchises:
Patriots, Steelers, Cowboys, Washington, Giants, Bears, Packers, 49ers, Chiefs, Raiders and Broncos.

The next group are successful, but they just missed the cut.

Outside looking in:
Eagles, Dolphins, Colts, Rams

The next group has had success, but it’s all recent. (2000s to the present). They don’t have history dating back to the 20s or 60s, but to anyone under 40, they are just as iconic.

The “New Money” franchises:
Ravens, Saints, Bucs, Seahawks .

The next group is hard to define. They have success. They have at least at least 10 division titles with a couple Super Bowl appearances, but no wins.
They may be known around the League. They may attract a big audience on TV, but they also conjure up memories of pain and what could have been.

Close, but no cigar:
Vikings, Bills, Bengals.

The next group is the one where nobody wants to be.
They don’t attract a big audience when they’re on TV. They don’t sell merchandise. When you mention their names, everyone laughs.

The cellar:
Lions, Falcons, Panthers, Cardinals, Jets, Browns, Texans, Jaguars, Titans, Chargers.