Bobby Hebert had a career 12-0 record against AFC Teams by 1991 as a Saint Quarterback

Playoff losses or appearances not withstanding, San Francisco was one, major reason why Mora's Saints, from 1986-1992, didn't win more NFC West division titles. I do also believe Mora's ultra-conservative offensive strategy and mindset were why we always tended to struggle against high-powered, octane, complex, pass-happy offenses Niners, Rams, and AFC's Oilers and later Falcons used with the "Run N' Shoot" offenses popularized by Jerry Glanville.
Hence my brother's sign "Run and shoot Carl Smith" back when fans were allowed to express themselves with banners in the stadium. 1991, Saints undefeated, hosting Bears in a close game and "that fuzzy headed b*****d" runs Hilliard straight at Fridge Perry on a late 4th and 1. Brilliant play call, like Wiley Coyote hitting a canyon wall.