The Memorial Day weekend auto-racing triple is back (Monaco, Indy 500, Coke 600)

So the Memorial Day weekend triple was pretty weak. The 500 was exciting for sure, but three hours late - and the other two were meh. I guess we knew Monaco wasn’t going to be that exciting on-track because it’s impossible to pass but finishing the way they started is still hard to take. And I think Nascar should have made us stay up until the track dried.
Yeah, everyone pointing fingers at either Nascar or Fox for that mess. I'm hearing drivers/teams were being notified that the race was restarting in 15 minutes when. Inexplicably the race was called. Some are saying Fox forced the issue and others are saying it was Nascar's call. I was po'ed cuz I was waiting for the restart and all indications were that the race was gonna start.

Fox forcing the issue wouldn't surprise me, but regardless their TV coverage has been a dumpster fire this season. So glad they're done in 2 weeks. Fox sports quality has really deteriorated in recent years. Good riddance.