Kool-Aid McKinstry Can he play safety?

Your original logic states:

If you draft Player A he should play position A until he proves he can't and only then should he be considered for position B.
Yet Alontae was drafted as a CB, proved he can play CB but you are suggesting he'd be the player to move to position B.

In other words your logic makes sense as to why you wouldn't move Kool-Aid, it does not clarify why you decided Alontae would be the player to move in that scenario. Is it because you'd rather ask a veteran to move vs a rookie?
Yes. I don't like moving Alontae either, for the same logic. But if this is a move that HAS to be made, Alontae is the one I would look to. And I thought he played a CB/S position at Tennessee, so would have SOME experience and familiarity with the Safety position. But I've since looked him up, and all I see is references to CB at Tennessee. So maybe I'm remembering that incorrectly? That changes the calculus a little too....

Alontae also seems stuck behind Lattimore and Adebo on the depth chart, relegating him to slot duties. But he doesn't seem as good in the slot as in the boundary. I think we could use an upgrade at the slot CB position. It's been suggested on this forum that KA is likely a good fit for that position. So I'm hoping that KA displaces someone in the secondary (preferably the slot), but it's also possible Alontae improves with another year of CB under his belt.

Truth be told, I think the Saints are getting in position to trade Lattimore; fill a different hole, and help reset the cap on this team. Adebo gonna get paid soon too, or we're gonna lose him. That's where the younger & cheaper talent comes in. If KA is who we think/hope he is, I think Lattimore is a post-June 1 transaction. At the most, i think we have 1 season of a surplus of CB talent. Your question is interesting, because we MIGHT have to do something like this to stash the talent, get the best players on the field, and walk the salary cap tightrope. This might be a real scenario for 1 season?! IF that happens, I prefer to move the vet. Rookies got enough on their plate without learning a whole new position in addition to a whole new defense.
