Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

I get what you are saying about DA but we are talking about coaching the offense and our offense was better in 2021 than it was in 2022. We had DA's defense and a better team and still managed to lose more games going from 2021 to 2022. Now, I will say this, most will have a hard time winning with Ryan but I was always split on Gibbs. The 2007 and 2008 defenses did give up some points and were like "screw getting turnovers," (LOL), but dang if the offense didn't end up being the ones shooting themselves in the foot in a lot of those games.

If we had better coaching in 2022, it would have shown with the quarterbacks. Everyone wants to say "but the QB," well until this year. And with better coaching, we win 10+ games in both 2022 and this past season. With that, I'm really hoping that this new staff isn't all talk and it translate to the field.
The difference between O point production in 21 and 22 and 23 is less than 2 points a game, That's with SP handling the O. Good coaching can make a QB look good, and good QB play can make coaching look good. I think there are more examples of successful HC/QB duos where the QB goes on to have success and the HC struggles. Brady had success Belichick did not. Manning had success Dungy did not. Farve had success Holmgren did not. Payton is struggling without Brees, Even a good coach like Reid needed a great QB to win it all. It remains to see how much Rodgers makes Saleh look like a good HC. I think I'd take a Mahomes or Brees or Brady with just a competent HC Like a Qinn or Peterson rather than a Belichick or Reid or McVay or Shanny with an Alex Smith or JW or Fields