Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

Perfection is the right word for sure. Don’t forget that we had a defensive TD that iced it on Mannings last drive. It was a back and forth game.

At that time, Indy was an AFC powerhouse that was an odds on favorite to be in the AFC champ game annually. We sort of came out of the woodwork. After 2006, we had a down year. So it’s not like we looked like an ascending team bound for the Super Bowl. Our end could’ve technically been vs Minn. In retrospect, It really seems like we were a team of destiny.
While SP gets all the credit for the 09 season and he deserves most of it it was Williams D that were the unsung heroes of that season, Not because he had a great statistical D but because we caused 39 TO's and scored 5 defensive TDs