Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

That's what happens when people project their expectations with emotions instead of using logic. Happens here all the time "The 2024 Saints will go 4-13, and Allen is fired mid-season." Absolutely no facts in evidence of this. No logic. Just a feeling based on the fact the the poster thinks Allen sucks and projects that feeling to a terrible season, Allen being fired, and then they feel justified in their feelings.

And you're right, the FailClowns are up next. Pundits think that the 'Clowns will be able to outscore their piss-poor defense with no pass rush because the organization stupidly spent their #8 pick on an injured QB that isn't going to be ready for 2 years instead of getting the best EDGE on the draft board. Their defense was terrible last year, will be terrible next year and will be their downfall.

I predict that the Saints will be in the driver's seat for the division after the first 6 weeks after taking down each of the Kitties, Failclowns, and the Succs. Along with one win between Dallas/Philly, they'll be in good shape for the rest of the season.

"I predict that the Saints will be in the driver's seat for the division after the first 6 weeks after taking down each of the Kitties, Failclowns, and the Succs. Along with one win between Dallas/Philly, they'll be in good shape for the rest of the season."

I appreciate your take. But im cautious, because we're again back where we started, a new QB in his first year in a new system. There will be growing pains and a learning curve. Its more realistic to predict success toward the back end of the season.