
This one isn't fair. Those humans aren't necessarily being unaware. They are climbing up steep cellar stairs which make looking over their shoulder to look back just as their heads top the ground level kind of difficult. For one thing their heart rate would be high, makes a lot of noise a bear can hear.

Making noise a bear can hear is good woodcraft, some people in the woods carry bells. A racing heartbeat would make a bear uncomfortable, signals a person who might be dangerous for the bear,,, you saw what she did. She was a cautious bear.

There's no danger there, no reason to criticize the humans, that bear is mellow. Most of them are, most of the time.

Today while my mower noise was drowning me out somewhat, I practiced my best "lion go away scream."

I use the same scream on bears I want to go away. I generally do want them to go away.

I'm OK with forest cats and coyotes. They can stay.

OK with all female, and most male deer, except when they're in rut and they think I'm another male deer. I screamed at one of them for that a few years back. He turned and ran away.

I scream at big snakes, and rattlesnakes of any size. It causes them to back down and move away. I'm fine with them but please I want lot's space to be around me. I'm especially fickle about the around the house space.