Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

“Is there anything other than blinding DA hate fueling these predictions?”

It’s the other way around, friend. Our improved areas are unproven: KK, OL, rookies. There’s no surefire upgrade, though the rooks seem legit and it’s difficult to do worse than Carmichael. But it’s not like we hired a super top OC.

We lost Peat who was our best lineman.
We made very little to improve our non existent pass rush.
We have no possession, go-to receiver. TEs are meh.
I expect running game to be better but still anemic with this OL.
We have a great secondary, LBs who make nice plays, and stretches of nice passing game with Carr-Olave-Sheed. Quite a terrible kicking game.
We’re half a good team until proven otherwise.
Peat was not and was never the best lineman. He finally had a year where he was not a turnstile for half the season. Good for him but nobody was that sad to see him go.