Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

The Saints effectively will be able to keep both Grupe and Smyth on the roster in 2024. With the new kickoff rules its possible that the Saints will have both Grupe and Smyth active on gamedays where Smyth could be used as a kickoff specialist. Smyth at 6'4", 210 pounds and a former Gaelic Football player, is accustomed to playing rough. Smyth only started kicking a football a few months ago. So far, he has shown to have a strong leg capable of making FGs from 65 yards out. The Saints signed Smyth to a 3 year deal.

Interesting point that I'm sure few, including myself, haven't thought of.

The thought of the diminutive Grupe having to help defend returns in the new-rules kickoffs is rather scary. Having one or the other of our two strong and athletic overseas punters/kickers handling kickoff duties is something I hope the coaches have considered.