
HI Everyone:

This may be long and somewhat rambling. It goes back to mid-February, and will hopefully be insightful all the way to 10 June. The European Parliament elections are on 9 June (Hungary) and I’m extremely tired of the election ads.

  • Mid-Feb. there was a meeting about teachers getting a raise. The Hungarians got the raise, the non-Hungarians got reclassified down so we were making more than we should. The other American left and went back home, I stayed because I want to travel throughout Europe (bucket list).

  • I’m not sure how much attention is paid to Hungary, but there was a scandal around this time. An Orban appointed judge dropped Pedophilia charges against one of his friends. Appearently, the case was almost a slam dunk and he didn’t want his good friend in jail.

  • Orban is selling the Fidesz party as the only one that can prevent war. They are constantly running ads about WWI, basically saying they weren’t supposed to be involved in the war and the Austro-Hungarian empire was dragged into it. They were severely punished in the treaty.

  • Orban is friends with Putin so Russia won’t attack and Hungary is in NATO and the EU so they won’t attack. Electing the opposition loses Putin’s friendship and allows NATO to transport military equipment and station more troops in Hungary.

  • Ukraine passed a law saying that Ukrainian had to be the primary language taught in schools. Transcarpathia is a very ethnic Hungarian region in Ukraine, Orban says those folks are now being repressed by Ukraine. (This seems to be widely believed, not sure if true). It was written to get rid of Russian mandated teachings but the law could easily be interpreted as a way to get rid of all minority languages/teaching.

  • Supposedly his peace plan involves the Transcarpathian region coming back to Hungary. Most Hungarians want the war frozen where it is so the killing stops. Both are wildly popular in the east, and again Putin approved.

  • Hungarians are excited to be the EP president. They believe that the EU unfairly targets them and makes their lives harder than necessary.

  • The next few are election related and somewhat related to Ukraine:

  • Fidesz doesn’t want Arab/Muslim immigration. They point to Belarus/Poland border as proof of problems. They also frequently mention how much crime other nations have because of them.
  • They don’t believe in transgender. If your anatomy says you’re a boy, then you’re a boy. It’s the same with girls. They don’t really understand homosexuality, but if its behind closed doors they don’t care.
That’s the best I can remember. Take it for what its worth, if you agree great if you disagree great. From my vantage, Orban wants kicked out of NATO and the EU so he can be the victim. NATO and EU won't kick him out because of fear of what he will do to any opposition.
The reason people like Orban thrive is that they get away with whatever they want. NATO and EU are afraid to kick him out because of what he will do to his opposition, in his country? That's the threat he holds over everyone's head. Kick him to the curb. And if he starts sidling up to putin, sanction his arse. He should no longer live under the umbrella freedom that NATO and EU provide. He is a piece of work, just like his buddy here.
And "the people" of Hungary want to freeze the war in Ukraine? To stop the killing? Maybe they should ask the people that are actually doing the dying their opinion. See if they are willing to stop fighting and give away their land and their people to an invader because the killing hurts the sensibilities of people in another country.