
The reason people like Orban thrive is that they get away with whatever they want. NATO and EU are afraid to kick him out because of what he will do to his opposition, in his country? That's the threat he holds over everyone's head. Kick him to the curb. And if he starts sidling up to putin, sanction his arse. He should no longer live under the umbrella freedom that NATO and EU provide. He is a piece of work, just like his buddy here.
And "the people" of Hungary want to freeze the war in Ukraine? To stop the killing? Maybe they should ask the people that are actually doing the dying their opinion. See if they are willing to stop fighting and give away their land and their people to an invader because the killing hurts the sensibilities of people in another country.
There could be certain diplomatic and communication advantages to leaving this path open. Closing the door means you've less information what's happening in the next room.