Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

So most national punditry, majority of Saints fans and even Nick and Tripp, et al have the Saints doing no better than they did last year and a good chunk saying they’ll do significantly worse
And I guess the question is ‘based on what’?
Most all have concluded (rightly, imo) that bad Oline play AND bad play calling/personnel usage were the reason we were AVERAGE

Obviously losing Ram is significant BUT he played on one leg last year and we ‘replaced’ him with a top draft choice (yes he’ll need some seasoning)
I feel Oline play is probably going to be same level as last year with maybe a 25% chance of getting better
BUT almost certainly O play calling and personnel usage gets SIGNIFICANTLY better
And with slight upgrades on D, I just don’t see how all that adds up to ‘same or worse’

Is there anything other than blinding DA hate fueling these predictions?
It’s not DA hate! It’s being a realist. Dude can’t coach. Coaching in this league matters. Does our roster compare to Philly? No! Look how their season ended. Most would say our roster is better than say a Tampa or Green Bay. Look how their seasons went. Coaching matters. How do people miss this point so often. What has DA done the last 2 years with more talented teams and easier schedules on paper to make any of you think we are winning 10 or 11 games. I’m sorry. I hope I’m wrong but until he proves otherwise, I just don’t see it. The team is ill prepared. No in game adjustments. And nothing has been done to prove it will change. Prove it, DA!! Show us!!