Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

So most national punditry, majority of Saints fans and even Nick and Tripp, et al have the Saints doing no better than they did last year and a good chunk saying they’ll do significantly worse
And I guess the question is ‘based on what’?
Most all have concluded (rightly, imo) that bad Oline play AND bad play calling/personnel usage were the reason we were AVERAGE

Obviously losing Ram is significant BUT he played on one leg last year and we ‘replaced’ him with a top draft choice (yes he’ll need some seasoning)
I feel Oline play is probably going to be same level as last year with maybe a 25% chance of getting better
BUT almost certainly O play calling and personnel usage gets SIGNIFICANTLY better
And with slight upgrades on D, I just don’t see how all that adds up to ‘same or worse’

Is there anything other than blinding DA hate fueling these predictions?
I think your last point is driving most of it but also the other teams in our division have also gotten better. Add to that a rough schedule for 5 straight weeks after our opener. Confidence is a big thing in this game and going 1-4 or 1-5, which most predict, can send a team spiraling. Add to that if DA had a chance to have success it was last year. The schedule is not as kind this year hence the the predictions.

I'm in the DA camp that he's got to show me. I think most people are in that boat. With SP, regardless of who was at QB we always felt we had a competitive edge at the HC position and a chance to win or be competitive in every game. That is no longer the case. Ultimately, I think it proves out what we all know. DA is a very good DC not a HC.