Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

So the thread asked why do some pundits/fans have the team slated to do worse when we addressed the major issue that most all agree was the reason we underperformed

Most everyone agrees that Oline and O playcalling were the primary reasons we were average last year
Bringing in KK & the Gang, we obviously address the play calling issue and potentially at least mitigate Oline issues
At worst that should mean we stay the same

Seemingly most of what people were mad at DA about got addressed this offseason

I think you are missing the bigger point.....A HC's leadership ability is incredibly important, I think that is at the crux of the offseason predictions.....and while I think it's silly at this point in time for predictions at the same time, to me, this is a firm indictment of DA's ability as a HC....

I'm not happy DA is still here as the HC, I mean it took 2 full years of offensive failures to replace an OC that had to be convinced to take the job in the first place...... thus far I believe DA has shown to be an incompetent leader.....but sometimes things do change, never say never....I find comfort in being wrong more often than I'd like and I hope this is the case with DA......