Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

This may seem counter to another post I just wrote, but I actually do see them about the same - but there are definitely some wild cards. The offense could be drastically improved, but that's a big "could be". It would be great if that happened, but it's rare that a team just starts hitting on all cylinders that quickly. And Carr is talking a good game but that's all it is just yet -- talk. I think most of us feel that QB means more to a team than any other position and I'm hesitant to believe that Carr just takes some huge leap because of a new coach and scheme. I really think they will get hit pretty hard out of the gate, then be fighting to catch up the rest of the season. See Mike D's game by game analysis - I think he's pretty spot on - but he's actually giving them a game or two that I might not.
That’s fair
In OP I explained that I can understand the argument for repeating last year - I can also see the changes/additions adding a game or few to our win total
What I didn’t get were the predictions that we’d be worse
Obviously it’s possible- it’s the nfl after all
But I still don’t see a sound argument for us getting worse
(And I’m growing more and more confident in my ‘DA hate’ guess)