Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

I saw on OTB where TBob said that to this point the Saints were the team with the least amount of bets placed on them winning the SB in 2024.

That's not to say the Saints have the worst odds to win the SB in 2024 but the bettors to this point have the least confidence in the Saints doing so regardless of odds.
Maybe but I don't think it's quite as clear-cut as that.. if our odds were worse, AKA a better payout on the bet if we were to win it.. more people might be willing to take a chance on putting a few bucks on us.

As is I would imagine there are quite a few small bets placed on the teams a tier down from us in the odds heading into the season, with the idea being that if you're going to place a bet on a bad team anyway (as that's pretty much the general public's perception of what we'll be), you might as well roll the dice on a team that will give you a better payout.