Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

Would that be the same coach of the Saints That by that time had multiple playoff appearances, had already gone to 2 NFC championship games, won a SB, etc?

To be Factually Correct Allen has only been HC for 2 Seasons to this point.

SP didn't accomplish in his first 2 seasons what you stated above.

In year 1 he took the Saints to the NFC Championship Game with Drew Brees at QB.
In year 2 he regressed and failed to make the playoffs.

Year 1 he took a Saints team that was 3-13 the year before to the NFC championship game.....after nearly 40 years the Saints had one single playoff victory up to that point.....I would say that CSP earned the right to have a few down seasons....if you believe DA has earned that right you are delusional.....

Let's see if we can get this straight.

You made a completely erroneous statement.

I entered the conversation and pointed out that What You Stated Is Not Factually Correct.

You replied to my post by going off rail with different praise for CSP instead of admitting what you said was not true and taking ownership of it.

Then you have the gall to call me delusional.

Really? SMH