Official Wrasslin' Thread (renamed to reflect the discussion)

You have some valid points, but a few I disagree with...

Sami has always had a sustained groundswell of support from the crowds and has consistently cut good promos.

Sami's story has been the same since NXT. That's what make him a boring champion. I totally disagree about his promos as well. They have not changed. This underdog/uncertainty stuff he pulls every time he gets a push is meh at best simply because it's the only promo he knows how to give. Of course the fans are going to cheer the underdog. But now that he's champ...

He's still doing the same thing. That's boring.

Sami and Damien are very different from each other, especially considering that Damien has never really gotten over on his own. It's arguable whether he's even over now, even with JD.

Very true. In my opinion, Damian is as bad a champion as Sami.

I also disagree with the booking. It's been very pedestrian.

In some areas it has, in others it's very good.

So far, the Cody era has been reduced to him being duped—first by Logan in not including the U.S. Title in the match, and now by AJ during the faux retirement. This is not a great look for the new face of the company.

I think they want to use Randy as Cody's main rival. Problem is Randy is over as hell and there are no other valid heels on the Smackdown roster. The only other option is Solo, but he needs to build up some more. The top heels right now are all on Raw.

Additionally, Bayley has been mostly an afterthought, and it appears she's about to lose the title in short order to Nia.

This is most definitely true and I blame Haitch and Bayley's character for it. Bring the damn Hugger back for a change.

The Liv/Dom angle feels like something they pulled out of an Attitude Era throwaway script.
It's apparent they're going to use Liv to help break up the Judgment Day. Problem is there are so many better ways of accomplishing this.