Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

Let's see if we can get this straight.

You made a completely erroneous statement.

I entered the conversation and pointed out that What You Stated Is Not Factually Correct.

You replied to my post by going off rail with different praise for CSP instead of admitting what you said was not true and taking ownership of it.

Then you have the gall to call me delusional.

Really? SMH

See below, ES was referring to the consecutive 7-9 seasons which started in you must have missed that, I responded the way I did because any comparison up to this point of DA and CSP is ridiculous on its face, regardless of the time period chosen....So, no what I said was perfectly correct, your attempt at a "gotcha" is patently absurd.....another little issue of reading comprehension is that I never called you "delusional", I said if you believe DA has earned the right to a few down seasons then that is the case.....if the shoe fits though.....

I'm just saying, SP has plenty of warts to go with his obvious proficiencies. If we're honest, he's should have been a Richard, and not a Sean. Additionally, a big credit to SP is his turning it around, albeit to no ultimate success, after the 7-9 wasteland, which was in no small part due to the arrival of DA. I mean, I'm not sold, nor do I think anybody should be, really, but the vitriol is embarrassing and unwarranted. Nuance. Try it out.

Never claimed CSP was perfect, never said DA as a DC wasn't a big part of the turnaround.....The vitriol comes from seeing the Saints (before CSP) make the same mistake of holding on to coaches too long, hate to see mistakes repeated, hope it isn't the case this time but I have my doubts....

Sorry I don't have my B&G sunshine and rainbow glasses on all the time like some folks....Nuance, "legit curious"?