Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

See below, ES was referring to the consecutive 7-9 seasons which started in you must have missed that, I responded the way I did because any comparison up to this point of DA and CSP is ridiculous on its face, regardless of the time period chosen....So, no what I said was perfectly correct, your attempt at a "gotcha" is patently absurd.....another little issue of reading comprehension is that I never called you "delusional", I said if you believe DA has earned the right to a few down seasons then that is the case.....if the shoe fits though.....

It doesn't matter what ES was referring to. You responded to his post By Making False Statements regardless of the why and because you did so........Ridiculous!

Instead of deflecting with a rebuttal to justify your statement why can't you just admit what you said was not factually correct? :shrug:

You used CSP accomplishments in his 1st 3 years as if they were in his 1st 2 years, to compare DAs lack of such in his 1st 2 years.

That's just wrong.

You were implying that I was in belief of something that I had not even commented on stating I was delusional if I thought it to be so.

I'm not interested in "gotcha moments". Stating untruths and then blatantly blabbering on in an attempt to give credence to them is certainly patently absurd.

The only thing the shoe fits appears to be with you..........foot in mouth.