Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

I think your reading comprehension needs work....This is the original posts that refer to Multiple 7-9 seasons which occurred starting in 2014

(Where in the post below does ES state multiple seasons beginning in 2014? Could it be you who needs to work on reading comprehension?)

The "legit curious" comment is comedy gold.....this is my response....which is quite accurate considering the timeline ES is referencing....

It is you who assumes that the ES is referring to multiple 7-9 seasons (plural) when In Fact, CSP went 7-9 in his 2nd season before what you stated above.

Legit curious? Hardly, it's the same old tired trope of pointing out the fact that CSP wasn't perfect but somehow that makes DA doesn' just makes folks look foolish when they make that argument...

The plain fact is DA has never taken a team to the playoffs in 6 years and has an overall record of no, I guess I didn't have the same "energy" because there really is no comparing a coach who has already proven they can win a championship and one who has yet to even make the playoffs (even after a season with a very favorable schedule in the NFL's worst division).....

this is where you enter the discussion.....

I never said what CSP accomplished in his 1st 2 seasons to that point, I only referenced why CSP earned the right to have a few down seasons.....

By assuming that ES meant multiple 7-9 seasons in that isolated reply you took the liberty to reference accomplishments beyond 2007.

Reading comprehension is important.....try it sometime, especially when you inject yourself into a discussion (which is fine, this is a message board after all)...

I replied based on what was written and had no problem comprehending a statement that used 7-9 singularly, not plurally.

Maybe you should consider working on your reading comprehension a bit before reading something into a statement that wasn't actually said and then taking the liberty to inaccurately broaden your statements beyond the pale.

Yep, this is a message board after all. Let's both agree to agree that we disagree on the semantics of the word structure in the ES sentence in that post.

Time to move on.

Maybe you missed this post from ES which confirms he was talking about multiple 7-9 seasons......

I'm just saying, SP has plenty of warts to go with his obvious proficiencies. If we're honest, he's should have been a Richard, and not a Sean. Additionally, a big credit to SP is his turning it around, albeit to no ultimate success, after the 7-9 wasteland, which was in no small part due to the arrival of DA. I mean, I'm not sold, nor do I think anybody should be, really, but the vitriol is embarrassing and unwarranted. Nuance. Try it out.

And lets be clear here, you injected yourself into our discussion, which is fine, this is a message board....but you got on a pretty high horse not really knowing, or lets say, misinterpreting what we were arguing about and you continue to spurt nonsense about it.....again reading comprehension is important.....

I do agree it is time to move on....