COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

And there's the whole question.
Which is why I asked. Because you have to know where you're starting. And even if that IS a starting place to begin with.

You go to the doctor. Doc says, "You have X." Actually they never say, You have X. They say, You MAY have X. And they use many, many more words than that that you have to decipher. Then you say, Well, I want a second opinion. Wait, why do you need a second "opinion" if it's "the science". Or stated another way, if it's black and white.

You're an attorney. You have a case that needs experts. You get one. The one side gets one. Well, you're on 2 different sides so you need to get an expert that says something different. So now the jury needs to decide which expert to believe.

Uh-oh. "The science" is now .... oh what's the word? Opinion.