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It's the 50% of the "science" I find on the Internet which I decide is the "proper science" when I google for details of the science. I throw out more than 50% of that "so call science on the Internet."

But the other half is real science. One just needs to know which is which. It's usually not hard for me to tell the difference. I can tell by the way of the words when I read what is being called a study or a paper.

Many of the so called studies are fake. But They won't fool someone who knows what to expect from a true study.

I'm the one who decides what the science is for me. With a degree in Physics and a wife and daughter with degrees as well in the family we decide as a family, and I think we are qualified to make those decisions for us.

My wife is a historian, and my daughter and I actually are scientists. Sort of scientists anyway.
Thank you for your answer. After the last 4 years, I've learned to not trust that phrase, "the science". Because the average person believed that meant something, that it was black and white. Dangerously that phrase was used to mean other phrases. Like "the truth". Or "trust us".