COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

And there's the whole question.

The "science" first said wearing cloth masks was ineffective and useless. Then, the "science" changed its (their) mind and said masks were 100% necessary; then later, after some clinical trials, the "science" said they were right the first time, cloth masks didn't stop anything, only n95 masks were effective.

Astrazeneca withdrew their vaccine, with the public statement that it had become "outdated," but anyone with eyes knows it was because of the excessive number of lawsuits worldwide against them for side effects from the vaccine.

I took the Pfizer version at the time, but the truth is we all acted as guinea pigs for the various vaccines because they had not been properly tested, which is not how scientific research is supposed to go. I don't seem to have suffered any side-effects from it, but I know a few people who have, though none of them are life-threatening.

Now, I don't "blame Biden" or "blame the Democrats" because the truth is before the election, the Republican party was pushing for everyone to take the vaccines once ready while the Democrats were saying "don't trust them," but once the election happened, the two parties changed their sides of the argument. Had the Republicans won, the vaccines would have been pushed just as hard by them instead, IMHO, and the Democrats would have remained the party of the vaccine skeptics. All part of the game they both play... (sorry for the brief political rant)
While a chunk of what you say is true enough, I don't think that is an accurate summary of events when it comes to science.