Popeye's Chicken Sandwich

Here’s the thing - excellent French toast is the best - but you’re seldom going to get that at a bfast place which is likely just going to use basic white bread— once you’ve had brioche or challlah, it’s hard to go back to basic
and that’s why it’s unfair to compare French toast to pancakes/waffles - French to East gets to boujie up its game while the others have to stay confined to flour batter - and the range of great flour to basic flour is not that big. Flour is flour (unless we’re doing baked goods or pasta)

So it’s really pancakes vs waffles - the ceiling of waffles can get close to the ceiling of pancakes but the floor for waffles can drop down a long long way
All pancakes are in some range between pretty good and great - but bad waffles can be like the butts of sandwich bread surrounding raw flour
Ah ha! You see, we do have a food opinion that we share and that's this one!