Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

Is there anything other than blinding DA hate fueling these predictions?
You say "blinding hate" here, but is it really? I won't go into the statistics and known facts about our head coach, they've been discussed ad nauseum.....but other than "blind faith", what makes you believe a coach than has an abysmal record will suddenly find gold with this team in his third full year here? I mean we couldn't win the division last year with one of the easiest schedules in NFL history......we didn't face any top QB's all year. To say that was disappointing is an understatement.

Kubiak has to be stellar for this team to be any good. It think it helps, and we might win the division with ground and pound with a little defense, but this team is not even close to being a contender. Oh how I miss Drew Brees......