Here’s what I don’t get re Saints ranking predictions

I love the idea of the Saints being more creative with the run game to set up a balanced attack with a passing game that truly opens up the field. I hope that's what Kubiak meant. The league has been purposely leaning toward the passing game so much that it's devalued the RB position. I want the Saints to run ball effectively too, but they will have to take advantage of offensive rules that now overwhelmingly favors the game game against defenses.

I want to believe that DA didn't meddle with the Pete Carmicheal's offense. I also hope he gives Kubiak complete control over the offense this year. But given his track record, it's hard to believe the Saints aren't going to go ultra conservative on offense and rely on the defense to win games despite us all knowing the game is skewed toward passing offenses now. Ideally, Kubiak is going to try to open up both running and passing lanes for the backs and receivers to exploit via play calling that causes the defense to play on their heels. The Saints play calling was a lot more predictable recently. I'm hoping Kubiak's approach signals a return to a strategy that recognizes that most down and distance situations can be attacked with a pass or a run, forcing defenses to be prepared for a multitude of possible offensive plays rather than focusing aggressively on one likely play from the offense. Again, that's my hope. I see Kubiak being the key to this. We'll see early on just how much control Kubiak has, for instance, on 3rd downs deep in Saints territory.

Towards the end of his tenure, I remember Les Miles doing an on field interview with a reporter about LSU's planned offensive strategy. It's when I knew for sure that his time was coming to an end. As she asked him about the changing college game and how other programs have adapted their offensives, he smiled in that knowing way people smile when they're prepared to answer a question. His answer was along the lines of, "this is LSU and we've had plenty of success with how we do things. We have no reason to believe we won't continue to do so." We know now that this was his downfall. When it comes down to it, Miles just wasn't committed to changing. It's definitely possible for a coach to change, Saban certainly did, but it depends on the person.

I really want to believe DA has had an epiphany. When the rules favor the offense, the answer can't just be, we need to execute better next time. The Saints have to be in position to take advantage of the rules too and not just hoping to play perfectly enough to combat them. But I feel, that's what DA is comfortable doing, relying on the defense even though the deck is stacked against defenses. The Saints have done the best thing they could do to combat this, going get an offensive mind that can make their offense much less predictable. I'm hoping DA is complementary to Kubiak and not domineering.
One consistent theme I’ve heard from every reporter discussing OTAs is the marked uptick in energy, precision and accountability on the offensive side
They note that everyone seems dialed in and on the same page
That should count for something
