Is Anyone Hiring? Permission Received From Andrus to Post

I have just spent the past 45 minutes emailing a bunch of out of state printing companies. Maybe I will get lucky and one of them allows remote work. I doubt it though.

edit: first one replied already and does not allow remote work. dangit! lol

Something else to look into.

Have you worked with a recruiter before? If not, I recommend looking into it. They are paid by employers to help find the right talent. I don’t know anything about your industry so I can’t point you in a specific direction. You do want to make sure you are working with somebody / a firm, that is established and credible, so they aren’t scamming you or don’t have the built up clientele to really be of help. Don’t just jump on Google and start blindly uploading personal details on the first sites that come up.

Think of a recruiter as part of your professional network. They will help connect you with employers based on your skills and career objectives. You can work with more than one but it shouldn’t be many. It’s about building a relationship. (Nothing wrong with reaching out to as many as necessary in the beginning, though, until you find who you are looking for.)

I know others have mentioned LinkedIn and I’m not sure what your status with that is, but it’s a good resource for this. If you aren’t on LinkedIn, or you aren’t active, consider using it as a tool to grow your network and look for job opportunities. You can join groups. You can follow industry insiders. You can make connections. You can find recruiters. You can apply for jobs. I don’t love LinkedIn as a platform but it’s a useful career tool.

The advantage to you is having somebody also looking out for jobs that might be a fit for you and helping to sell your qualifications to hiring personnel. You indicated that your skill set is very specialized. A recruiter can help get the value out of that.

I know that might seem overwhelming on top of what you’re already doing, but it can be very helpful.