Don’t move to NOLA (…a visitor explains)

You wanna recap?
I’m not watching a 27 minute video
She visited NOLA a few years before, and that gave her “rose colored glasses.” She then decided to move to NOLA, and got a rude awakening:

* Real estate agents showed her three dirty houses before they got to one that was decent

* Entergy and S&WB rip off customers

* Her car was stolen shortly after arriving; NOPD took over 4 hrs to respond, and they didn’t help. She said that some pages on social media were more helpful in helping her recover her vehicle

* Mayor Cantrell had too much drama going on in her personal life, and it was preventing her from being a good leader.

* Crime is rampant

* Food prices thru the roof. She was NOT impressed with Rouse’s Market; said a bag of grapes 🍇 cost $18.00

She went into more stuff, but there was very little I could refute or argue with.

Peace, out. 😎