Police Shootings / Possible Abuse Threads [merged]
Guess this can go here
An off-duty security guard in Seattle has been arrested on suspicion of murdering a teenage boy who was returning a defective airsoft gun to a sporting goods shop
Hazrat Ali Rohani, 17, was visiting a Big 5 branch in Renton, Washington with his friends last Wednesday evening when 51-year-old Aaron Brown Myers approached the group with a gun in his hand, the friends said.
Myers later told investigators that he believed the three teenagers were about to commit a robbery and felt “a duty to act”, claiming that the teenagers repeatedly ignored his commands to surrender.
However, surveillance footage contradicts Myers’ account of events, according to a police statement seen by
The Independent.
Myers was not on duty protecting the shop and told police that he was staking the parking lot out on his own initiative while his 13-year-old son took a jujitsu class next door.
“He saw these kids walking inside with their airsoft guns, and he took it upon himself to confront them,” a spokesperson for the Renton Police Department
told Seattle broadcaster KOMO.…..