Is Anyone Hiring? Permission Received From Andrus to Post

So, I still haven't heard from them, and I assume I won't. It fell into the abyss like all the rest. In the meantime, I have applied to 5-10 more jobs, I don't think I will hear from any of them either.

Surely there has to be 1 person here that works for a company that is actively hiring. I just need one. Any kind of boring mundane office task will do. Starting this thread was my last resort. It hasn't panned out like I had hoped. I have no idea what to do.

I'm bumping this for the last time. I am sure people are getting tired of seeing this. And frankly, I am embarrassed that I even had to come here. Please, one last time, if anyone out there is hiring, or knows someone hiring, please, please message me.
First off, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. It is likely that many on here have been passed over for a position. Rejection is a major part of job hunting. Just have to deal with it, learn from it and move on.

Try to stay positive and keep applying elsewhere ( as you said you have been). Your situation isn’t going to improve if you just sit around hoping the phone will ring.

Sorry you didn’t get this one, but we’re sure you’ll find something. Good Luck.