Pete Werner (reportedly) impressive; dominated at practice

Werner's a good player and I find the narrative here that he isn't pretty funny.
Good player? Yes? Debilitating lack of swag? Also, sadly yes. He will never reach his full potential without looking cooler. At this point I'm not even asking for a dark visor and cool arm bands, etc. All I'm asking for are appropriately sized shoulder pads. That would be a good start. If he wants to build on that with some sort of cowboy collar, spat job, arm brace, that's great. But the least we deserve is shoulder pads that aren't two sizes too small. He can't do much about his name, but by god, at least look the part.

Maybe they could bring Kwon back just to work with Pete as his personal swag consultant. If he just ups his swag to NFL starter bare minimum levels then he's a universally beloved fan favorite. If he somehow achieved max swag, then we're talking about a Pro Bowler. Maybe even All Pro.