RIP The Logo (Jerry West est morte)

............“While it’s never been officially declared that the logo is Jerry West, it sure looks a lot like him,” Silver said with a smile.

West rarely acknowledged happiness or contentment with any of his achievements during his long public life in basketball, and his involvement in the logo was no exception.

In an interview with ESPN in 2017, West said he would be happy if the NBA took him out of the logo — if indeed he was actually the player in it, West said.

“It is flattering, but to me, I played in the time when they first started to try to market the league,” West said. “There were five people they were going to consider. I didn’t find out about it until the late commissioner told me about it, Walter Kennedy. ... I don’t like to do anything to call attention to myself, and when people say that, that’s just not who I am, period. If they would want to change it, I wish they would. In many ways, I wish they would.”.........