Pete Werner (reportedly) impressive; dominated at practice

Does he even get hyped after a big play? I can't remember seeing him Hulking out after a tackle. Doesn't really matter if it's a tackle for loss or a tackle 15 yards down the field, you have to get up and let everyone know that you just made the tackle.

I don't know, maybe it's a generational thing. LBers were expected to look cool when I was young. I'm talking about the days of Ray Lewis at Miami, Derrick Brooks at Florida State, Andy Katzenmoyer at Ohio State, Alvin Mack and Steve Lattimer at ESU (although Lattimer was more of an Edge).

The Saints also have a very strong history of linebackers with extreme amounts of swag, and it is made even worse when we have Demario Davis, one of the swaggiest LBs in Saints history, next to the equivalent of a guy with a pocket protector and calculator watch.