Just another day in New Orleans

That one sounds a little different from a high speed chase that results in a crash. Clickbait, dare I say.

IMO none of the crashes sound like LSP were particularly reckless - it was the stolen vehicle/suspect that crashed in each case - I'm just glad they are here. NOPD is still well under 1000 officers. We need the help.

Yep. I think those whose initial reaction to more law enforcement in struggling Nola is cynicism need to consider why that is. It's just...weird. Because I'm on the road all day, I happened to be in the flow of two of these incidents by chance. I was absolutely impressed by the coordination and skill with which the pursuit was happening amongst normal traffic. Also the fact that anyone at all was pursuing a criminal was eye opening.

I'll take all the "cowboys" that we can get. I'm sick of living in a sheet hole with no standards of lawfulness. I hate that I'm forced to seriously consider relocating away from family every single year because this city is so broken. New Orleans deserves better.