So……Pride Month….. [CLOSED]

Don’t get it twisted. Being other than straight is a lifestyle choice or should be labeled as such. If you want to do that cool. You be you. Just don’t get mad at Uncle because he doesn’t agree.
This is where I find your position flawed.

Are you innately gay, but live, act, and pursue a straight lifestyle? I don't ask that to be inflammatory, I promise you. It's the only way I can make sense of your comment. Was there a time in your life where you had to ask yourself if you were attracted to men or women - or both? I ask because of the comment about being anything but straight being a lifestyle choice, because that confuses me.

I've never had that inner monologue with myself. I've always been attracted to women and have never questioned it. My brother is gay and has always been attracted to men and always knew it, but hid it for a while out of fear of being hurt and hurting others - but he never questioned which sex he was attracted to. It's definitely not a lifestyle choice for him or any of the many gay and lesbian friends of his that I've met over the years.

Which brings me back to my confusion of your statement of anything other than straight being a lifestyle choice. If you really believe that, there must be something in your own personal experience that brings you to that conclusion. If not, how can you possibly know what is in the head, soul, and essence of another person? Labeling anyone who is not straight as someone who is making a lifestyle choice is hatred whether you see it that way or not.