Just another day in New Orleans

So now that crime has made it’s predicted downturn, isn’t this the time to invest in the other things?
We are. Well, the business community is trying.

Not sure if you've heard of the NOLA Coalition but its a pretty impressive effort. And it is based on the idea that we have to both get a handle on crime right now (helping to hire better/more police, NYPD consultants that were hired by local biz leaders in 2022, targeted efforts around the "top 500" bad guys, national search for a new Chief, etc.) AND invest in youth services to address some of the underlying issues. Originally organized by Michael Hecht and GNO, Inc.

We all know we have an absentee mayor and most of the city council is useless so others have to fill the void.

The fact that crime is falling (outside of car thefts) is good - we should keep doing the things that are working.