So……Pride Month….. [CLOSED]

I’ve cautioned you about trying to speak for me
You’re not being honest you’re being defensive
You are resorting to ad hominem attacks bc (assuming) you realize you have no valid argument aside from IMO and instead of admitting it you dig in

You told us to read a Bible, I’m fairly certain the Bible has an admonition against Bearing False Witness - like I think it commands people to NOT bear false witness
YOU are bearing false witness- intentionally
Maybe remove the plank from your own eye before wading into discussions you clearly know nothing about
I am being defensive for the hundreds of thousands who resent that lifestyle but am probably more sympathetic to that lifestyle because i have been around it. You and others are literally trying to force your lifestyle onto others and if they disagree it is hate. It’s bulllshirt and you know it. Yes, i like that verse too but i mean reread it in your own context. The New Testament can be twisted if you don’t know the old testament. In the Old Testament it says eating seafood is a sin.