So……Pride Month….. [CLOSED]

Explain God making people who are born with hermaphroditism. Once you realize that people can be born with both sets of sex organs you realize that many different situations can happen. How are they supposed to identify? Which sex are they supposed to be attracted to?

People are born with some sets of genomes being xx and some xy within the same person. If someone has some xx and some xy chromosomes, how are they supposed to identify?

These are real people, with real feelings and real lives. Once you understand that people are born this way, you can see how other things happen. It explains how some people are born attracted to the same sex. If people can be born with both sets of sex organs and can identify as either sex it makes you realize that there is the possibility of being born with one set of sex organs, but identifying internally as another sex or even not identifying as either, even asexual.

It’s not a choice or lifestyle. It’s how people are born.
Good points and nothing wrong with how are they are born. That’s their own personal situation and what they choose to identify is what it is. I’m talking about those that like to think influencing other kids is ok. Kids are already worried about their height, weight, skin color, etc