Is Anyone Hiring? Permission Received From Andrus to Post

Two things...

One, that's what youngsters do. So unless you're in your late 20s/early 30s, that bullshirt. It's a real issue, but it's also a generational one.

Two, if an employer is openly telling you that, trust me when I say you didn't want to work for them. I would never say that to any candidate and would rip a hiring manager a new one if I found out they said it.
Rotolo's is one place that told me that. There is one right on the corner of where I live. They had a huge WE ARE HIRING sign on the front of the building so I applied. The next day the manager called me to set up an interview. When I got there he was so unprepared. Like, he hadnt even looked at my resume because he excused himself, went to the back room and came back with a folder. Once he found my application and resume thats when he told me. By that time I was a little frustrated and said something along the lines of "well isnt that true for everyone who applies?"....anyways, then i asked him if there was something in corporate office i could do. However, he did call me the next day and asked if I had website building experience. I said i dont, but i could learn. Never heard from him again.

Thats just 1 example. Thats the most egregious example, because I have gotten the same feedback from others but not in such a direct way.

Edit: he was a nice guy and all, i dont want to speak poorly about him or that company. He just kept saying "you need to look at it from my point of view..." i was like dude, i just need a paycheck. This was probably Jan/Feb, because I remember it being still cold/cool outside. Long time ago.