Is Anyone Hiring? Permission Received From Andrus to Post

I just thinking out loud, but is it possible to offer an employer a time commitment via a contract - like 12, 18 or 24 months? Or is that unwise.

Speaking to the group, in general.
I don't know your circumstances, and it varies depending on the individual and type of job, but my daughter as an RN was hired right out of college and she had to sign a 2 year contract with a hospital she's currently working for. She admittedly was frustrated with the job after 12 months and wanted to quit, but would have had to pay like $10,000 to get out of the contract. It took some convincing from me, but she stayed with it after I suggested to her she should tough it out until the contract runs out unless she has another job lined up and they're willing to assist with the buyout. It would have been bad for her to quit without having a backup plan lined up.

I would only bring up the contract period if it's listed on the application requirements. Offering that sort of commitment won't make them any more or less likely to hire you unless they're specifically requiring that.