
I see a farming operation spreading liquid manure, with farming equipment. In other words usual ordinary farm operations. To decide that they are fighting back is kind of redictilus, they are spreading the manure they normally collect and spread on their fields.

Then there is the old saw about spreading """pig""" anything on something, fouls it such that Muslims will not touch it. That's a common gag line thing, but it isn't real.

That's not true at all. If they need a tool they will wash off the pig stuff and then use it. Folks have been trying to tout that old saw like it is something all of my life. I remember seeing a book reference to pig tallow being used to harass muslim merchants dating back to the early 1800's. The Christian merchants were coating iron tools with pig fat to prevent rust, as well as to stick it to them.

In that the Muslim merchants didn't actually care. They aren't allowed to eat it, but they can touch it if they have to clean up a mess. It's a case of Christians and Jews dreaming this up, and they keep coming back to it.

It's not real. If Muslims are invading Poland, spreading manure on the fields they will walk through will not likely be noticed as they trudge on through. Not after a week will it be noticed at all. During that week it will smell somewhat, but they won't know it's from pigs, or care.